
I'm a serious book and makeup lover!!! I started this blog mainly for reviews. Here you will get to see my opinion on books and makeup that I find amazing and some that I don't really have much care for. I would love to do some product reviews as well, but we'll see. Every now and again you may even see posts about my world and family. I hope you enjoy and I hope my book reviews make you want to lost in the written world of books!!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

*Book Review* Imprint by: Annie Frame

Author: Annie Frame

(A little about the author)
Annie Frame is a clairvoyant medium and the author of Imprint. In a world with so many restrictions she prefers to use fiction as her platform, she finds it enables spirit to plant as many seeds as they choose and readers the choice to take or discard them at their leisure. Her work as a medium influences all she writes and she doubts anything else could be a more interesting channel for her personally.

The Book:

Paperback: 74 pages
Publisher: Vanguard Press
Author: Annie Frame
Language: English

This spine chilling book takes the reader into the realms of horror all the more believable because it seems reality not fantasy. The Imprints enter the soul of the narrator with determined power and describe each of their emotions in vivid detail. It is impossible not to be deeply involved, revolted and yet entranced at the same time as the linking of the personalities becomes apparent.

Desperation, self destruction and fear are superimposed on the beauty of the rose with its blood red petals. Each bloom shows the astral image of the various characters as their lives have been lived, giving some hope for the future and the lessons offered to the soul as it evolves to enlightenment and bewitching knowledge.

My Rating 

My Review

I was first attracted to this book because of it's cover. If you have read any of my other book reviews you can tell that, that is a must for me. The cover has to catch my attention otherwise I won't be too interested in starting the book. This book isn't very big at all, but in the pages you will open your mind to other possibilities that this author has given you. Imprint is a story that will take you on a journey of reincarnation. I for one do not believe in reincarnation, so therefore, I have my own beliefs in the afterlife. Still I opened my mind and I was impressed with how this book represents afterlife and how even after your lives end in the world your spiritual being can learn something from the imprints that you leave in the world through your living self. I couldn't put it down and read it in one sitting. Having to do with the afterlife and such I was a little skeptical about reading it, but I'm glad I did.This book is worth buying especially if you are into the afterlife, paranormal or horror. I must admit that I would've liked for there to have been more to read. 

Hercular Rose is at The Library of Souls in search of her Soul Journal to take her into her past lives on earth. In need to learn what past lives have to offer, following these imprints back with Hercular Rose you get to find out who and how her earth beings lived and died. Life on earth for Hercular was bitter sweet, but it all comes together to enable her to evolve in the Heaven she lives in. To understand and be shown how the lives intertwine and coincide is remarkable.

I'd like to give a BIG THANKS to Annie Frame for sending me a copy of Imprint to review. I really enjoyed it and hope you keep writing books which make others open their minds.

1 comment:

  1. I recieved a copy of this book for review too! I hope she writes more as well :)

    - MissKimberlyStardust @
